Flutterbye: Helping to grow sustainable not-for-profit organisations
Designing, delivering and improving your volunteer program
Training, coaching & inspiring volunteer engagement professionals
Sustainable Not For Profits Through Volunteerism
Flutterbye’s Vision is to empower volunteer involving organisations to reach their goals through effective volunteerism.
Flutterbye is committed to assisting those who work with volunteers to have successful and effective volunteer programs that deliver sustainable benefits to the organisation, the volunteers themselves and the community.
Flutterbye is able to provide a range of services to ensure your volunteer program and associated systems, processes and culture are aligned to leading practice, effective and tailored to deliver the outcomes your organisation is seeking.

Whether it’s establishing your Volunteer Engagement Strategy or building a new volunteer program, Flutterbye is able to help you achieve your goals through expert design and planning
Flutterbye is able to support your organisation by providing a full suite of Volunteer Management services including training and coaching teams and individuals who engage with volunteers

Creating performance improvement, benchmarking your volunteer program against National Standards and implementing process, system and culture change is a core capability of Flutterbye
Flutterbye is proud to have supported the following organisations

How can Flutterbye help you?
Flutterbye is able to support all organisations who engage with volunteers

Not for Profits & Community
Volunteers are critical to the operation of many not for profit and community organisations. Let Flutterbye help you establish, deliver and improve your volunteer strategy and engagement

A range of Government organisations utilise volunteers to complement their operations. Flutterbye is able to assist to ensure your volunteer program delivers maximum value

Teams & Individuals
Leading volunteers requires a unique blend of skills and capabilities. Flutterbye can support volunteer engagement professionals to lead effectively and successfully